Commit Stop

Manage Push Permissions

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Test 005: Missing configuration permissions

Objective IF someone tries to save a configuration change
AND the person is missing repository_status_permission
THEN the configuration change is rejected
Test Status Stable
Prerequisite An account with access to the configuration but without repository_status_permission.
# Action User input Expected result
1 Open website Open Commit Stop's web interface in a browser with an account that allows reading but not writing configurations. The current configuration is displayed in full and a list of configuration changes below.
2 Change configuration Add this line at the top of the configuration:
# Test 005
The modified configuration is visible in the text area.
3 Comment change In the comment field, enter: Test 005 The modified comment is visible in the input field
4 Save changes Click "Submit" button Could not save configuration. Message returned by server: 'Response with status: 403'